My Qualification

  • Esoteric Courses
  • Girl power Instructor Training Joni Combe au 2022
  • Indian head  massage au 2023

  • Way of the Oracle Training – Priestess Sally Pullinger Goddess Temple Teachings Glastonbury 2023

  • Shakti Warrior Dance 2021 for Healing By Alice Bracegirdle

  • Sacred Beekeeping Secrets 2023 By Shonagh Home

  • Feminist Leadership 2022

  • Sacred Self-Care and Ayurvedic Nutrition 2020 By Sahara Rose

  • Thriving in Your Alignment Cacao ceremony with Peruvian cacao sorceress Deya @Cacaoamor 2021

  • Animal Assisted Therapy- Society for Companion Animal Studies 2014

  • Master Herbalist Diploma Course 2016 Centre of Excellence 

  • Red tent mystery school 2016- Tanishka  au 

  • Awenydd Apprenticeship Shamanic course with British Shaman Elen Sentier. 2017 Elen Sentier comes from a long family lineage of Cunning Folk and was brought up as awenydd (spirit keeper) in the old magical traditions of Britain.

  • Itec diploma in Holistic Massage

  • Herbalism

  • Make your own body care products- Aromantic 

  • Natural Skincare Plush Folly

  • 2011 cosmetic Chemist Certificate from Scott Grainger CSci CChem MRSC Chartered Scientist,Chartered Chemist & Safety AssessorSafety Advisor to the Guild of Craft Soap and Toiletry Makers –

  • Natural Beekeeping 2015 Northamptonshire Beekeepers 

  • Reiki 1&2

  • Animal assisted therapy

  • Dr Helen Ford Holistic Physician and Healer – Aura Diagnosis   2011 How to find and relieve the underlying causes of disease by accessing the information contained within the human aura- residential Wales. 

  • Dr Helen Ford 2008 TB miasm

  • Dr Helen Ford 2007 – mother stuff 

  • Making, painting and birthing a shamanic drum- 2006 John the drum maker 2007

  • platform medium 1992-2008 Northampton Spiritualist Church